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Jingle All the Way with This 12 Days of Fitness Challenge!

Liam Harper

5 Minutes to Read

Liam Harper

12 days of fitness challenge

Ready to add some holiday cheer to your workouts? This fun 12 days of fitness challenge, inspired by the classic Christmas carol, will have you feeling the burn and spreading the joy.

Each day, you’ll tackle a new exercise, building on the previous days. By the 12th day, you’ll have a full-body mini-workout that you can do anywhere, anytime. All you need is a set of dumbbells and your festive spirit!

The 12 Days of Fitness Challenge Breakdown

1-Minute Plank of Choice

Pick your poison: basic plank, saw plank, knee taps, hip dips, side plank rotations – the choice is yours!

Focus on maintaining a straight line from head to toe, engaging your core, and most importantly, breathing.

Don’t be a Grinch – take breaks if needed!

2-Minute Jump Rope

12 days of fitness challenge

No jump rope? No problem! Pretend you’ve got one or opt for other heart-pumping exercises like high knees, side-to-side hops, mountain climbers, or plyometric variations.

Spin bike, treadmill, or rower also work for getting that heart rate up.

3. Broad Jumps

Channel your inner reindeer and aim to jump a little farther each time.

Remember to land with soft knees and sink into a squat.

Walk it back to the start and repeat!

4. Plank Jacks

Keep those hips in line with your spine as you “jack” your feet out and in.

Low-impact option: walk your feet out and in instead of jumping.

5. Burpees

Pick your burpee style – basic, push-up, tuck jump, or modified (no jump or hands on a countertop/wall).

Embrace the holiday hustle and get creative!

6. Heavy Rows

Maintain a long spine and engaged core as you exhale and row.

Go for both arms simultaneously or tackle one side at a time.

7. Curtsy Lunges (Each Side)

Start with one foot forward, toes angled out 45 degrees.

Step the other foot behind the opposite shoulder and sink into a deep curtsy.

Exhale and squeeze those legs to rise back up.

8. Shoulder Presses

Begin with arms at 90 degrees from shoulders.

Press dumbbells overhead, then lower back down. Repeat for a merry burn!

9. Triceps Kickbacks

12 days of fitness challenge

Squeeze shoulder blades together, keeping elbows close to your torso and back flat.

Exhale as you press the weights back, focusing on squeezing those triceps.

10. Weighted Squats

Feet just under shoulders, toes slightly angled out.

Hold a heavy dumbbell under your chin, perpendicular to the floor.

Keep chest lifted and core tight as you sink back and down, as if tapping your booty to an imaginary chair.

Weight should remain in your heels, elbows just under the bar with a wide grip.

11. Sumo Deadlifts

Start in a deep sumo squat, feet under shoulders, thighs nearly parallel to the floor.

Knees extend towards toes but not over them.

Hinge from hips, keeping your back long and flat.

Exhale and squeeze to rise back up.

12. Kettlebell Swings

Stand hip-width apart, grounded in your feet.

Hold kettlebell between knees and gently swing to gain momentum.

Power through hips, glutes, and core to swing the weight to shoulder height.

Bend knees, swinging it back to start. Remember, it’s all in the hips and core, not the arms!

Exhale strongly each time the weight goes up.

Building Your 12 Days of Fitness Challenge Workout

  • Day 1: 1-minute plank
  • Day 2: 2-minute jump rope + 1-minute plank
  • Day 3: 3 broad jumps + 2-minute jump rope + 1-minute plank
  • Day 4: 4 plank jacks + 3 broad jumps + 2-minute jump rope + 1-minute plankand so on, until …
  • Day 12: 12 kettlebell swings + 11 sumo deadlifts + 10 weighted squats + 9 triceps kickbacks + 8 shoulder presses + 7 curtsy lunges (each side) + 6 heavy rows + 5 burpees + 4 plank jacks + 3 broad jumps + 2-minute jump rope + 1-minute plank

By the 12th day, you’ll have a full-body, equipment-minimal workout that’ll leave you feeling accomplished and energized.

Tips for Staying on Track During the Holidays

  1. Schedule your workouts like any other important appointment.
  2. Recruit a fitness buddy for accountability and fun.
  3. Take advantage of kids’ gyms or childcare if traveling with little ones.
  4. Focus on maintaining your routine rather than making significant progress.
  5. Remember, a little movement is better than none at all!


This 12 days of fitness challenge is the perfect way to prioritize your well-being during the busy holiday season. By incorporating these quick, effective exercises into your daily routine, you’ll be feeling strong, energized, and ready to tackle the festivities head-on.

So, grab your dumbbells, cue up your favorite holiday playlist, and get ready to jingle all the way to a happier, healthier you!

ALSO READ: 10 Amazing Benefits of Reflexology

Frequently Asked Questions

Can I modify the exercises if needed?

Absolutely! Feel free to adjust any of the exercises to suit your fitness level or accommodate any limitations. The goal is to keep moving and have fun.

What if I miss a day?

Don’t stress! Just pick up where you left off and keep going. The 12 days of fitness challenge is about consistency, not perfection.

Can I repeat this challenge?

Of course! Feel free to start over once you’ve completed the 12 days or incorporate your favorite exercises into your regular routine.

Do I need any special equipment?

While dumbbells and a kettlebell are used in some exercises, you can easily modify the moves or use household items as substitutes (water bottles, cans, etc.).


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Liam Harper

Liam Harper is a dedicated writer specializing in health, wellness, and fitness. With a passion for medicine, therapy, and overall well-being, Liam's insightful articles explore the nuances of healthcare and vitality. Committed to promoting a balanced lifestyle, Liam provides readers with valuable information on maintaining optimal health and wellness.


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Jingle All the Way with This 12 Days of Fitness Challenge!

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